That twenty-something girl is now in her thirties. Still grappling life, still travelling.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
It's hard to discuss this (docu)film without giving away too much of the story's plot. This film was a Sundance Festival sensation, albeit a controversial one, when it came out. But whether or not this was a "faux documentary" the message of the film rings loud and true - social media can get even the best of us. It can be a really powerful tool, depends on how you'll use it.
Dubbed as the "other Facebook movie", try to watch it if you have the time, it's quite entertaining as you'll be experiencing various emotions as the film progresses (or maybe that's just me).
catfish movie review
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Gatorade, we have a problem!
Earlier this morning, as I was about to open a bottle of Gatorade, I noticed a black shadow that I automatically thought to be some dirt smeared on the bottle. I wiped it with some paper towels but still the black shadow won't come off and that's when I realized it's not dirt. I examined the bottle and upon closer inspection, found out that the black shadow is actually inside the energy drink.
It looked like some kind of moss/mold floating inside Gatorade with greenish/blackish color. I bought 2 of this (the other is lemon-lime flavor) last Saturday in SM Megamall Supermarket which I was supposed to consume for the next day's Tour of the Fireflies (Sunday, April 17) but at the last minute decided against, so it remained on the refrigerator until I picked it up this morning.
You can't possibly miss it cos it's huge! It gave me and my officemates the creeps just looking at it nggghhhh.
Now it made me wonder if there are more of this effing "thing" floating inside other Gatorade bottles somewhere in the metro. What's going on Gatorade manufacturer?!?! How did this happen? How did this pass QA??!?
So if you have any plans of buying bottled drinks just try to be careful, look at the product first before purchasing them. Make sure nothing's floating inside!
It looked like some kind of moss/mold floating inside Gatorade with greenish/blackish color. I bought 2 of this (the other is lemon-lime flavor) last Saturday in SM Megamall Supermarket which I was supposed to consume for the next day's Tour of the Fireflies (Sunday, April 17) but at the last minute decided against, so it remained on the refrigerator until I picked it up this morning.
You can't possibly miss it cos it's huge! It gave me and my officemates the creeps just looking at it nggghhhh.
Now it made me wonder if there are more of this effing "thing" floating inside other Gatorade bottles somewhere in the metro. What's going on Gatorade manufacturer?!?! How did this happen? How did this pass QA??!?
So if you have any plans of buying bottled drinks just try to be careful, look at the product first before purchasing them. Make sure nothing's floating inside!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
13th Tour of the Fireflies
Last April 17, the Cheese and I, along with 15,000 (or more according to their website) riders joined the annual Tour of the Fireflies, already on their 13th year with Bike Revolution as this year's theme. ToF is an annual biking event that aims to boost Filipino awareness of bicycle as a form of sustainable environmental transportation for cleaner air and generally, to promote safer roads for any cyclists. We all know this, Manila is totally unsafe for bike enthusiasts, cyclists, even professionals. There are very very few areas where bikers and their corresponding spaces are respected. Right now, I could only think of two: UP Diliman and Marikina. I wouldn't dare include Quezon City Circle despite its obvious bike lane, lest I want to be run over by a maniac driver or be the subject of every motorists irk.
Anyway, Sunday morning came. The Cheese and I cycled our way to Tiendesitas from my place in Kapitolyo. Pretty short and smooth ride (which I really liked) since I'm a very nervous rider and technically still an amateur. I don't like it when cars are driving in front, behind or beside me. It really scares me haha.
Good thing this year we were able to find a good spot near the starting line. We had a quick McDonald's breakfast on that same spot while the host interviewed each costume contest participants. At exactly 7am, we rolled our way to Ortigas Ave. crossing EDSA towards Greenhills. Below is a map of this year's ToF route.
The organizers plot new routes every year and for this year it was: Pasig - San Juan - Quezon City - Manila and vice versa.
España was a breeze, in contrast to what I thought would be a traffic hell. Thank you to the kind officers who agreed to momentarily halt/reroute traffic that day. A big eff you to those motorists who revved off and cut our peloton. You have no idea how you scared the hell out of me! See, if you're the only four-wheel car cruising along us and you're not an ambulance, an auxiliary van or media, then shame on you! We only ask 5-6 hours out of 365 days for you to give way to us and you can't even comply, won't budge or won't give way at all.
As we were approaching Quezon Bridge in Manila area, we could already see the a la mass exodus of people walking their bikes up the bridge. Traffic ng bike haha. Some people took it as an opportunity to have photo ops. But when we reached the bridge's plateau we all went back to our wheels and pedaled our way down to Lawton, cruising along Manila City Hall and National Museum, stopping at red light before turning left to Roxas Boulevard straight to CCP for a water break.
My friend Patty posing with the Bioman guys. Photo by Mac Velasquez.
These two oldies had their picture taken with the Cheese haha. Cute.
The Coconut Man. I gave him an A for effort.
On our way back to Tiendesitas, The Cheese and I were able to ride along our friends, Patty and Mac (who took this photo).
After 5 hours, we finally reached Tiendesitas again. I was so proud of ourselves and all the other riders who made it under the excruciating and unforgiving Manila summer heat and traffic. See you all again next year!
Thank you to the ToF organizers, sponsors, brave and valiant marshals who patiently guides rider and explain to irate motorists what the hell is going on, the patrol men, ambulance, all those who helped, the local government of each city and all the people on the road who understood and never complained. This was our third year to join ToF and hopefully will continue riding with them in the coming years.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Pedals for Progress
I wonder when our own bicycle culture will set off. I agree with what the guy said, having a bike is a blessing. Maybe not so much for me - who lives in the most bike-unfriendly city -, but to millions of people out there, a bike bridges man one pedal push closer to his dreams.
Monday, April 11, 2011
2011 Birth Wishlist
In a month's time, I will be a year older again. Like a Christmas wishlist that I religiously do, I also write of birthday wishes which do not necessarily equate to people giving me what I wrote down here :)
1) Socks. I will never get tired of asking for a pair (until I actually get one!)
2) Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion
3) New bathing suit
4) Postcard from wherever you are (I'll give you my address if you want to send me one, let me know!)
5) Birthday (pan)cake with sparklers!
6) Daytripper by Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá
7) G12
8) Beach or any out-of-town trip.
9) Breakfast/Lunch/Merienda/Dinner date with you. Oo nga, with you!
10) Printer ink. Which I think ako rin naman ang bibili haha.
11) Maraming scrunchies!!!
12)A big bag of Cheetos
13) Book, book, book
14) Sana makuha ko na Diploma ko (na for pick up na lang naman :))
15) To eat in a new restaurant/place (just like last year too!)
16) For Celtics to put their act together so I could watch them in Finals
17) A television. So I can watch NBA playoffs
18) Stormtrooper stuff
19) 10 Pesos from each of my Facebook friend (for my 2014 fund hehehe)
20) Earthquake-free Japan (I know it's impossible so let's make it an earthquake-free-for-a-while Japan :))
21) Philippine peace
22) World Peace
Since this is obviously my personal blog, I wish people from all parts of the world who'll land on this page - whether we're friends or not or whether you landed on this site by chance - will give me a shout out on the 11th on the comment section. I would be super grateful if you opt to send me a postcard in exchange for bday shout outs hehe. That's what wishes are for!
1) Socks. I will never get tired of asking for a pair (until I actually get one!)
2) Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion
3) New bathing suit
4) Postcard from wherever you are (I'll give you my address if you want to send me one, let me know!)
5) Birthday (pan)cake with sparklers!
6) Daytripper by Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá
7) G12
8) Beach or any out-of-town trip.
9) Breakfast/Lunch/Merienda/Dinner date with you. Oo nga, with you!
10) Printer ink. Which I think ako rin naman ang bibili haha.
11) Maraming scrunchies!!!
13) Book, book, book
14) Sana makuha ko na Diploma ko (na for pick up na lang naman :))
15) To eat in a new restaurant/place (just like last year too!)
16) For Celtics to put their act together so I could watch them in Finals
17) A television. So I can watch NBA playoffs
18) Stormtrooper stuff
19) 10 Pesos from each of my Facebook friend (for my 2014 fund hehehe)
20) Earthquake-free Japan (I know it's impossible so let's make it an earthquake-free-for-a-while Japan :))
21) Philippine peace
22) World Peace
Since this is obviously my personal blog, I wish people from all parts of the world who'll land on this page - whether we're friends or not or whether you landed on this site by chance - will give me a shout out on the 11th on the comment section. I would be super grateful if you opt to send me a postcard in exchange for bday shout outs hehe. That's what wishes are for!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Hanging out with Babies
NatGeo Run and Mercato Centrale Sunday
After N months, I was able to run again. After months of evading exorbitant registration fees currently trending in running events, I gave in. Only because it was NatGeo Run, the one I missed last year because it happened to coincide with Tour of the Fireflies.
However, due to the expensive fee I have to pay in order to participate in their Earth Day Run, I opted to run under the 3k category since it was the cheapest among all the category haha. When we first registered at Greenbelt 3, we were quite disappointed because we had to come back for the singlets for they were already out of stock. For regular commuters, going to Greenbelt is no easy task.
When the Cheese and I arrived at the Fort, the 21k category was about to start. Along with the Cheese's officemates (Ecai, Wilson, Za and Mai), we waited for our category to be called behind the stage. Each time a new category begins, fireworks ensue.
And so our category was called and our race begins... on a walk haha. That's what you get when you're smacked in the middle of runners, waiting for everyone to move while the clock runs. So please don't judge me if you see my race result below haha.
Proud finishers!
After the crossing the finish line we went straight to hydration station to hydrate ourselves. In fairness, I think bumawi ang organizers sa freebies. They gave away 100 Plus, Fit 'N Right, a slice of Greenwich pizza (at least for the first 1000 finishers), Cushe stickers and laces, San Mig coffee, etc. After taking photos and hanging out at the Finish area, watching runners as they arrive, we went to Mercato Centrale for our much awaited food trip. It was my first time to visit them in their new home near MC Depot. Even though it was still so early in the morning, the place was already teeming with tons of people! The long tables and chairs were all occupied mostly by hungry runners who also came straight from NatGeo Run.
This time I ordered chicken wings with blue cheese sauce from Kobe's All Fried Up, chips from Chuck's Grubberie and Lemonade drink from where Wilson and Mai bought their German sausage sandwich (I think!). The Cheese had a grilled chicken barbecue meal and his usual Tea.ology (Amaretto this time). Za and Mai bought mochi icecream at Mochiko, while I had a free taste of Earl Grey Tea icecream at Merry Moo. Next time, I will buy a proper icecream in cup!
Busily stuffing food into mouth. The result: almost empty photos of grub!
After a satisfying Mercato Centrale brunch we decided to walk around High Street. Unfortunately most of the stores were still closed (ROX opens at 12 na pala!) so we went straight to the first open store that we saw, RUNNR where we all had our Gait Analysis. It was some sort of feet assessment of how we walk or run in order to help us improve our performance or reduce injuries. By running on a treadmill with a video recorder, the guy in charge was able to determine our feet type. Luckily, I have a neutral feet. But for those who have biomechanical abnormality, they are advised to wear the right running shoes to correct feet alignment. You should try it too, it's quite helpful.
By the way, here's my dapat-pang-5k result haha.
mercato centrale,
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Ya Imam Zaman
It was a Persian night for the E-business foodies. I like Imam Zaman because the food prices are not ludicrously steep. You can have your choice of kebabs, keema, pita, basmati rice or even the lamb chop (although it wasn't available at the time) among others and not go home feeling like you've been robbed.
I ordered Shawarma on plate (left photo) and Keema (right). Each costs 45 pesos only! Spread the word, try Imam Zaman too located in E. Rodriguez corner Tomas Morato.

With some of my teammates
Photos from Ten Medina.
imam zaman,
Monday, April 04, 2011
7th iBlog Summit
Well, let me put it this way instead - it did not turn out to be as fun, educational and exciting as I thought it was. And I have a high tolerance for sucky conferences/summits. But, I won't delve onto that anymore as I've already had my fare share of laughs with some of the booboos committed in this blog summit thingie. (Hint: ineffective and grammatically wrong speakers. I mean, come on, the thinking people deserve more than that. They call themselves professional bloggers, the least they can do is keep up with the title.)
However, I loved (and I think everyone else in the room too) Carlo Ople's super bitin talk. We all wished he was the speaker the rest of the morning, even the rest of the afternoon pa! I also liked Sir Howie Severino's topic though it focuses more on other platform of blogging (meaning the Facebook and microblogging such as Twitter).
Setting all the boring speakers aside, the unbelievably tundra-ic coldness in the auditorium, the important-looking albeit distracting participants/bloggers with their open laptops/netbooks (what could they be typing?? the internet connection sucked so maybe they're typing down the minutes? I kid, I kid. Of course, they're blogging), I had fun. Especially after half of our team won some prizes at the end of the event heehee.
Well Hello There, Litol Mango!

photo from her proud Babooshka Babeth's blog.
Baby Mykonos
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