Sunday, June 20, 2010

No Toy Gets Left Behind

If you haven't seen it yet then I suggest you lift that butt off where you're seated 'cos you're missing a lot.
Anyway, I am not ashame (when was I ever?) to say that I cried a lot in this movie. Why not? It's the last installment of the first ever Pixar full-length animation film after all. The very thought of not seeing Woody, Buzz and the rest of the gang stirs the belly butterflies into chaos. I am so happy that Pixar and the people behind Toy Story 3 (director, storyboard, graphic artists, etc.) did not fail to deliver a simple yet beyond heart-warming version of their final goodbye to the toys we have come to love and adore.

I really admire how they kept the story simple and how they pulled off a perfect ending. Heck, even Rotten Tomatoes rated it 99% and has only good things to rave about it. As always, I loved Woody - for his cowboy sheriff-y leadership and courage- but most of all, I love him because he has always been the most loyal toy among Andy's. I love the squeeze-aliens and their voices. I love Rex's humor, his fear of the uncertainty (it was most normal) and the fact that he has found someone he can finally relate to. I love Slinky's overall usefulness. I love Barbie for showing the smart side of her. I love some of the new characters as well such as Mr. Pricklepants, Trixie, even Ken's glamorous character! I can't actually think of a thing I hate about this film. By the way, the tortilla version of Mr. Potato was such a hilarious part of the movie that I really enjoyed.

It all comes down to one of the hardest reality that any toy could ever face: the fact that there will come a time when they will be outgrown by kids who own them. I agree with what the Pixar storyboard leaders keeps on telling us: a toy can be found if they get lost, can be fixed when they get broken but you can't fix nor stop being outgrown by a child. I love and perfectly understand Andy's emotions over his old toys. I respect his attachment to Woody, Buzz and the others because they've been together for a long time and had only but the greatest memories with one another (though Andy might never have an idea how his toys tremendously love him). Acknowledging his childhood companions is a courageous act because let's face it, not a lot of kids can do that once they outgrew their toys and move on to more interesting things in life.

For me, they're not just some plastics. They're very much alive in my mind and in heart that somehow they could've actually belonged to me, to us.

I will so miss you guys.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Adidas Original Ad

Because I love Star Wars, Noel Gallagher, Ian Brown, Jay Baruchel and of course, Adidas. Look out for Daft Punk, the German football coach and Snoop Dogg (you can't miss him!) too.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I know Kimi's Ecstatic

..that's just the way she is haha. Hapee Burrthday phant lover! <3

Monday, June 07, 2010


"You can ask the universe for signs all you want but ultimately, we only see what we wanna see when we're ready to see it."
~ Ted Mosby, Episode 24, HIMYM

I can agree with what Ted said to Robin, that sometimes we are are own doppelganger. What we were a few years back compared to what we are now could be totally unrelated/different/far-fetched idea. It's not actually impossible.
And I believe this is HIMYM's season finale episode. Sniff.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Happy Birthday Mela

This ain't a photo that flatters the subject quite well but I do know that she is oh-some!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust!

"You know that place between sleep and awake?
The place where you can still remember dreaming.
That’s where I’ll always love you.
That’s where I’ll be waiting.
~Tinkerbell to Peter Pan
I've always rooted for Tink, not only because she is that faerie who sprinkles pixie dust (and has a cool pixie hair cut too!) to make ordinary humans fly but because despite how possessive and jealous she can get, she's still that free-spirited, happy and naughty Tink that becomes extra emotional when it comes to Peter. It's just so sad that Peter will have to choose and end up with Wendy Darling even if it meant a slow death for Tink. Of course it might never have occurred to Mr. Barrie then that the boy-who-never-wants-to-grow-up might end up with a fairy who secretly adores him and would gladly die for him, since that's probably not what he had in mind when this whole adventure was unfolding. Peter will end up with (boring) Wendy and Tink will be left with this killer line instead that will endear her to some, if not most people.
To this day, I truly believe that Tinkerbell came to represent all the people who will just secretly and longingly love someone that they can never be with. For them, waiting is the only option or worst, giving up.
But I can't really blame Peter, no I can't.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

June First

Due to everything that is happening (not exactly to me), I shall call this month the moving on month. Moving forward to new careers (not exactly me again), to a happier state of mind, to forgetting the past, forgiving those who have caused you pain, basically everything that involves moving forward.
Because moving on has never been a sign of defeat rather it is defeating the devils that keep you in the ditch where you are right now. It's time to take charge of your own life and get back everything that you lost in the process by moving forward.