Monday, January 23, 2012

Robinson's Galleria Cinema 4 Sucks

JC and I were so excited to finally watch Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol (after MMFF 2011 movie monopoly has been finally lifted) so we decided to watch in Robinson's Galleria since it's nearest Greenhills (where we need to go first) and has the most convenient time that really suits our need.

I guess it was already a hint when upon showing trailers before the start of movie I noticed that the screen was a bit slanted and compressed in the middle. They were able to make up for this though come screen time. However, about an hour into the film, suddenly it stopped. This was quite irritating because as everyone knows MI4 is a fast-paced movie and no scene really should be taken for granted. After about 5 minutes it finally came back and I don't know how much we missed because the next thing we knew they were all jetted on their way to Dubai.

Then it happened again. Watta crap.

JC even told me that the couple sitting next to him left already, probably pissed like everyone inside the cinema and couldn't take it anymore. We didn't leave because I paid a rather hefty amount of money (191 pesos, which was more expensive than what they charge in Ayala cinemas that have far better amenities) to be entertained NOT to be royally pissed for cutting the film twice!

I swear they are worse than SM. Super disappointing.

Suffice to say, that'll be the last time that we'll be watching in Robinson's Galleria.

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