In this world of imitation, where finding true friends are as exotic and as far flung as Timbuktu, how are you gonna find your real friends? It's like looking for a single beach in the country not crammed like any other beaches over the summer but equally beautiful and bedazzling. Of finding that piece of clothing you really like in a sea of ukay-ukays. The answer? HARD.
It's one thing to find friends but another to keep them for your entire lifetime. I guess, I found my own Timbuktu in the middle of Diliman jungle and they're here to stay. These are the few people who know the real Me, who've seen me first thing in the morning and right before they sleep,who have spent countless meals, laughter, pains, heartaches,silence, tears, opinions, gossips, toothpastes,
SMS, sleepless nights, scorching heats, bad-hair-days, triumphs, achievements and success that they could pass as my second sisters. Almost, but in different context.
I am many things now because of a lot of things. Including them. So, here's to the years we've left behind and will keep in the coming days ahead. Cheers!
*para sa mga dramachine babies.:)
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